join us!

Come try us out!

We warmly welcome people coming along to try us out. The first night is free and there are no obligations. All voices are catered for.

We start with a warm-up: both physical and vocal. There is a mid-practice break when we catch up over a cuppa and a biscuit (or occasionally some home baking). 

Choir nights

When: 7pm to 9pm every Monday night of school terms.

Where: Newmarket Hall, 212 Ashgrove Ave, Ashgrove. Parking onsite.

Our venue is an old bowling club, and what used to be the greens are now football fields. So, there’s plenty of parking.

Participation & fee arrangements

There is no formal membership of Songshine. We all participate as equals.

We are not an ‘entry by audition’ choir but warmly welcome everyone from all walks of life, genders, and ages.
Mostly we learn material from a score but not always. You don’t have to be able to read music.

Fees are either a full 10 week term at $165, or a casual rate of $20 per night.

We have a bank account and a finance person. Electronic funds transfer is preferred, but arrangements can be made to receive cash.