about us
Who we are
We are a community of folks who love to sing together, sometime do gigs, and generally enjoy each other’s company.
Songshine is a diverse bunch of people, ages and singing abilities. We have members who joined way back in 2012, those who have come recently, and the full range in between.
We occasionally perform at gigs: for example fund-raising dinners for community organisations, Sorry Day, or other community events. We are part of a Brisbane network of community choirs called “Peer Sing”.
How did we come to be?
We used to be known as Te Tira, created by the amazing Kiri Waiata Green in 2012. At the end of 2019 when Kiri headed to other exciting challenges we decided to continue as a self run choir. A big step! In January 2020 we became Songshine: a name that emerged organically via a conversation between us all over Whatsapp. And that is pretty much how we roll.
How does the choir work?
We practice on a Monday night according to school terms. We meet upstairs in the Newmarket Hall, 212 Ashgrove Ave, Ashgrove in Brisbane.
We don’t have a formal structure: we share out tasks. Anyone can step up to contribute to helping it all work, or not.
Once or twice a year we meet with other choirs to have a “sing off” and learn something new together. In 2021 we sang as part of an 80 voice choir to perform the Australian premiere of “Tiny Movements” led by Amber Evans with support from Louis Dooner.
Most years we have a choir camp: in recent years this has been a very fun and musical weekend away at Mt. Glorious.
What about the music?
We’re not too nerdy about the music but take seriously getting our pitch and harmony as spot on as we can make it. We sing in 3 or 4 part harmony, and a capella, which means we sing without accompaniment.
We are not an ‘entry by audition’ choir but warmly welcome everyone from all walks of life, genders, and ages.
The Songshine logo and brooch story
The Songshine brooch is given to our permanent choir members, serving as a symbol that brings us together and promotes a sense of community. Its design, influenced by the rising sun and the outstretched arms of a singer, is a unifying emblem. Crafted by our longtime member, Peter, the brooch is made from Queensland Rose Gum and Tasmanian Houn Pine.
‘Having sung in various choirs over the years, joining this community choir was a unique and delightful experience. The camaraderie and musicality are exceptional, elevating my singing. Rehearsals, a haven of shared passion, contribute to my musical journey. Grateful for the harmonious blend of skill, passion, and friendship in our diverse group.’
— Colleen, singing since 2013